March for Freedom accused of armed rebellion in Luxembourg
Struggles are continuously taking place everywhere, people are fighting for their rights all over the globe, but our memory has an overflow of information, it tends to archive past struggles and move to the next. But we are also aware that all our struggles are connected, rights are…
# WeRadio! show with activists who are on trial after the March for Freedom 2014
Two and a half years after the internationally organized March for Freedom, six activists are going to trial. During the day of action on May 5, 2014 there were thirteen brutal arrests at a demonstration on the Kirchberg in Luxemburg. 2 1/2 Jahre nach dem international organisierten March…
Workshop: No more sexism in our movements by Napuli on Sunday – 02.04.2017
Français Dear Womyn, dear activists, On Sunday 02.04 at 2:30pm, Napuli Paul Langa invites to a workshop about sexism in our community : the Berlin antiracist, queer and refugee movements. This workshop is only open for women, lesbians and trans* persons, because we want to discuss our own…
Stop Deportations – Afghanistan is not safe
(deutsche Übersetzung weiter unten) On Monday 27th of March 2017, once again hundreds of people demonstrated nationwide against deportations. The occasion was the fourth mass deportation to Kabul, which took place from Munich. In December last year, the first mass deportation with 34 Afghan refugees was carried out…
“Hayır” March in Berlin
The people who are on the side of Hayir(no) at the referendum that will be done in 16.April, came together and did a solidarity march yesterday in Berlin/Neukölln. The crowds, who are against to the dictatorship of a single man, have met in front of the Rathaus building…
Spendenaufruf: Strafprozess in Luxembourg gegen AsylrechtsaktivistInnen
Spenden bitte unbedingt mit Verwendungszweck „M4F“ an: Rote Hilfe e.V. Sparkasse Göttingen IBAN: DE 25 2605 0001 0056 0362 39 BIC: NOLADE21GOE 2 1/2 Jahre nach dem international organisierten March for Freedom sind 6 AktvistInnen in Luxembourg-Stadt angeklagt. Während eines Aktionstags am 5.6.2014 war es in Luxembourg auf…
Friday, March 31st, 11am: Demo against deportations to Tunisia – Together against deportations!
Together against deportations! Friday | 31th of march | 11am Embassy of Tunisia | Lindenallee 16 | close to ZOB Berlin We‘re a group of tunisians who will protest against the planned deportation of 1500 people. For that we want to kindly invite you to join us! First…
MONTAG, 27.3., 15 Uhr: Kundgebung gegen Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan vor Abschiebezentrum
MONTAG, 27. März, 15 Uhr: Kundgebung gegen Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan vor dem neuen Abschiebekoordinierungszentrum, in der BAMF Außenstelle Badensche Straße 23, 10715 Berlin (U Berliner Straße) Afghanistan ist nicht sicher – dennoch hält die Bundesregierung weiterhin an ihrem brutalen Abschiebekurs fest. Am Montag, den 27. März soll aus…
Newroz in Halberstadt
(deutsch unten) We are refugees from Halberstadt. First of all we applied to the administration of the camp that we wanted to celebrate Newroz and will make a fire, which is an important part of the celebration. They said that it’s forbidden to make a fire within the…