Statements from Mobilization4Mumia in Philladelphia USA on the occation of the anniversary of his arrest 35 years ago and his birthday Today, April 24, 2017, Mumia’s Abu-Jamal’s 63rd birthday, there is a court hearing on his PCRA (Post-Conviction Relief Act) petition in the Pennsylvania courts. This is a…
Le début des expulsions des Sénégalais d’Allemagne est prévu le 8 mai #stopDeportations
source: https://kewoulo.info/ Par Babacar Touré avril 27, 2017 Annoncée une première fois au cours de l’été dernier, l’expulsion des Sénégalais d’Allemagne, déboutés de leurs droits d’asile, commencera bien le 8 mai prochain. Et le gouvernement allemand est, cette fois-ci, décidé à les traquer, par toutes les polices du…
Call for participants of (their) liquid union!
contact -> http://liquid-unions.wikidot.com/main:contact subscription -> https://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/consulting-for-liquid-unions Here is a call for those who want to become participant in their liquid union. Nowadays, we are creating an organization to assist in formations of such unions. What is and why should it be a liquid union? (liquidunions.wikidot.com) Liquid union is an…
1. Mai – Einladung zur Pressekonferenz, Dienstag 25.04.2017
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir laden Sei ein zu unserer Pressekonferenz am Dienstag den 25.04. um 11 Uhr im Café Kotti, die unter folgendem Motto steht: Kreuzberg feiert 30 Jahre revolutionären 1.Mai: Wir bleiben alle! Aus diesem Grund organisieren wir im Vorfeld der revolutionären 1.Mai Demo eine…
Tutuklu Gazeteci Gabriele Del Grande İçin Dayanışma Eylemi// Solidaritätsaktion für den inhaftierten Journalisten Gabriele Del Grande
(deutsch unten) 20 Nisan 2017 saat 19’da Berlin-Kreuzberg-Kottbussertor’da, Türkiye’de gözaltına alınan İtalyan gaeteci Gabriele Del Grande için bir dayanışma eylemi gerçekleştirildi. Dayanışma eylemi Mülteci Hareketi ve Antifaşistler tarafından organize edildi. Eylemciler değişik dillerde “Hepimiz Gabrieleyiz”, “Gazetecilere Özgürlük” yazılı dövizler taşıdılar. Gabriele Del Grande, hazırlamakta olduğu kitabı için röportaj…
Refugee-Migrants Community Debate & Soliparty in Munich
Eng/Deut] 27-30.04 in Munich: Refugee-Migrants Community Announcement from Refugee Struggle For Freedom Discussions and workshops on Solidarity, Networking, Mobilization and Community structure will begin: At 4pm on Thursday , 27.04. To continue on 28-30.04 at 10.am in the morning. *** Saturday / 29.04.17 / 20 h/ Kafe Marat…
Don’t “debate” Institutional Racism in EU, or the unpublished “debate” on www.DebatingEurope.eu
Some weeks ago our News-plattform www.Oplatz.net was contacted by Emilie Hoogland from the “Debating”-plattform www.DebatingEurope.eu to participate in a “debate” with the central question of “Does housing asylum seekers apart from locals increase tensions?” which was followed by “3 questions from 3 young Europeans“. A person from Oplatz.net…
How does cleaning the Lager toilet for 80 Cents per hour integrate you into the society? #modernslavery
INTERVIEW WITH AN ACTIVIST FROM WOMEN IN EXILE WIE: We hearing that they are forcing people to work in the Lagers, do you have any idea or experience about this? A:Yes that is very true. They are forcing people to work in the Lagers and I am one…
#RefugeesSRB We Are Still in #Serbia
Posted on April 16, 2017 by Enough is Enough! We are still in Belgrade. One of us joined the Cars Of Hope Wuppertal team, who are working with refugees and support the Soul Welders projects in the Serbian capital. Another short impression from Belgrade. Written by Riot Turtle Solidarity…